Since 2009, the Southwest Women’s Law Center has been a leader in healthcare reform in New Mexico. SWLC believes that expanded access to healthcare for all New Mexicans will lead to better health outcomes for women and their families. SWLC is committed to expanding knowledge about healthcare reform and access to care. Please check our calendar for healthcare reform enrollment events and information sessions near you.
Post First Open Enrollment Period Report
As of January 1, 2014, New Mexico’s women had an unprecedented opportunity to access affordable health care through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Southwest Women’s Law Center and New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty, thanks to funding from the Con Alma Foundation, tracked the ups and downs of New Mexico’s very first ACA open enrollment period. SWLC and NMCLP have compiled the results and have presented the preliminary report, with recommendations on how to improve health care enrollment in New Mexico, to policy-makers around the state.
These recommendations include:
- Increasing in-person assistance hours
- Embedding healthcare guides with outreach organizations
- Increasing language interpretation services for immigrant populations
- Targeting and testing marketing for better effectiveness
For access to the full report, Report-CLP & SWLC-Enrollment Barriers.
SWLC’s Resources for Getting to Know Your Rights Under the Affordable Care Act
Click here for an info-graphic in how to get enrolled the new healthcare coverage options in New Mexico!
Where To Start, What To Ask: A Guide for LGBT People Choosing Healthcare Plans
Trans* Community & the Affordable Care Act: What you need to know
Women and the ACA: Cost-sharing Free Preventative Care!
Medicaid Expansion Checklist – English & Spanish
The LGBT Community & the Affordable Care Act: What you need to know
Insurance Fraud – Protect Yourself!
Health Insurance Special Enrollment Period
If you would like more information about healthcare reform, or if you have questions about accessing health insurance, please let us know here:
[contact-form to=’’ subject='[Affordable Care Act Inquiry’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]