Photo Credit: AP Justice Ruth Bader GinsburgMarch 15, 1933-September 18, 2020 The Southwest Women’s Law Center would like to recognize the passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader
New Investigation Reveals 19% of New Mexico-based CPCs Promote Renegade Practice Known as “Abortion Pill Reversal” (New Mexico, September 15, 2020) – A new investigation shows that nin
During the 2019 New Mexico Legislative Session, the Southwest Women’s Law Center (“SWLC”) and Forward Together/Strong Families (“FT/SFNM”) partnered on a legislative advocacy proje
A poll taken earlier this year showed that 81 percent of Native Americans around the state believe that women deserve to make their own decisions about reproductive health care without gover
In this issue: With the goal of creating new and equal opportunity for women and girls, SWLC keeps a close eye on these social justice matters. In our Summer edition, you can read about the
Release July 9, 2020 The Supreme Court of the United States (the “Court”) decided the contraceptive access case, Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Pennsylvania, wh
Today, In June Medical Services, LLC v. Russo, the United States Supreme Court (“the Court”) found that Louisiana’s Act 620, requiring physicians performing abortions to have admitting
The Southwest Women’s Law Center is committed to addressing systemic inequities and protecting all reproductive rights, including informed birthing choices, for New Mexico’s women and gi
The video of a Minneapolis police officer killing an unarmed Black man pleading for his life while being held down has been heart wrenching and infuriating to watch. This scene is vivid in a
The Ms. Foundation for Women recently formed the Activist Collaboration Fund (ACF), granting $275,000 to 15 Organizations across the country. The ACF launched in late January and supports so